Mason Boni
Mason Boni
Hello!! My name is Mason Boni. I graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Biblical Studies and I currently serve as a local missionary with Cru here in Lynchburg. Cru is a global mission organization that is centered upon coming alongside local churches to train and equip believers to engage in the Great Commission. Primarily, we are a campus ministry committed to reaching college students with the good news of Christ, training students to walk in step with the Spirit, and equipping students to carry that same posture of spiritual multiplication wherever they go. I have been on staff with Cru since August of 2022 and primarily oversee/coach the ministry movement at CVCC (Central Virginia Community College). When I first stepped foot on this campus two years ago, I went there knowing that there was no ministry movement present on that campus. Cru used to be there, but due to COVID and the quick turnover of students, the ministry we once had there unfortunately dissolved. So, when I began my responsibilities at this campus in 2022, I was determined to get the Gospel out and see a ministry grow quickly. Let me just say that God taught me patience in this season.
Learning such patience has been the providence of God at work in my life. Why? Well, I am also on a church planting team with my two best friends, Matthew Hubley and Peter Helm (two Kinship regulars as well, haha!). In 2026, we hope to move to New Hampshire to plant a much needed church which preaches the true gospel in the midst of much false teaching. The vast majority of “churches” in New Hampshire have forsaken true biblical teaching, compromised on gospel essentials, and are therefore engaging in grave false teaching which leads the people of New Hampshire astray from Christ. Matthew, the leader of the plant, is originally from New Hampshire and was burdened for his own people when he came down to Liberty as a freshman. We’ve been pursuing this plant for the past 4 years and have received training from our elders at Forest Baptist and a lot of practical ministry training at Forest.
I share this very essential part of my story to tie back into God teaching me patience at the start of my ministry at CVCC two years ago. I am grateful to God for bringing me into Cru